We build synergetic and lasting relationships with a diverse and renowned network of partners, working closely together to continuously push the boundaries and maximise the many opportunities that technology can offer your business, thus helping to shape an innovative and prosperous future for your company.  


accelerates innovation with state-of-the-art automated testing, ensuring quality and reliability in the software life-cycle.


enhances collaborative working with intuitive software solutions, turning ideas into tangible results through state-of-the-art tools for work management, software development and effective collaboration.


illuminates the future of human resources with innovative solutions for competence assessment, talent optimisation and professional growth, guiding companies towards excellence.


It transforms the way the world designs, manufactures and manages products with our advanced IoT technology, offering digital solutions that drive innovation and improve the connection between people, products and processes.


rewrites the future of software with complete solutions for the application life-cycle, from planning to development and testing, ensuring quality, transparency and success for every project.


revolutionises data analysis, offering a state-of-the-art platform with intuitive tools for analysis and visualisation. Empowering decision-making and strategic management, Esplores transforms data into valuable insights. .


Test, debug and release with confidence. The platform that offers instant access to real browsers and devices to ensure a flawless digital experience.


Aiuta a monitorare l'evoluzione del Debito Tecnico Architettonico, a comprenderne le cause e a prevenirne l'accumulo.